Stewart Global Aircraft (SGA) MD87 for FS2004 AND FSX

This is a repaint of SGA MD87 in Spanair Star Alliance version by Xudeva Irribarra (

//////////////////EASY INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALL IN YOUR FS2004///////////////////////////////////////////////////

simply copy the folder to you main fs2004 aircraft folder.

///////////////// EASY INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALL IN YOUR FSX /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Only just copy the folder here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes folder.

WARNING FSX USERS: If you see a white airplanes after install this,check and disable "DirectX 10 preview" option

Thank you and please contact me if there are any issues about this repaint.
Cualquier reclamacion o comentario sobre este repintado escribir a esta dirección

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